WordPress Tips And Tricks

Learn essential WordPress tips and tricks, from keeping your site up to date to securing your data, improving performance, and ensuring continuous backups, all in one comprehensive presentation.

Key takeaways
  • Keep WordPress up to date, including plugins and themes, and use a solid backup solution
  • Use two-factor authentication and limit login attempts
  • Monitor website performance and use caching plugins like W3 Total Cache or Autoptimize
  • Use security plugins like Wordfence or iThemes Security Pro to protect against malware and vulnerabilities
  • Keep WordPress and plugins off-site, such as on a cloud server
  • Avoid using the same username and password for your website and other online accounts
  • Use a reliable web host and monitor uptime and downtime
  • Regularly update and test themes and plugins before installing
  • Use a child theme for customizing plugins and templates
  • Consider using managed WordPress hosting services
  • Keep a record of website updates and changes
  • Use a backup and restore solution, such as Duplicator or UpdraftPlus, to ensure site continuity
  • Consider using a cloud-based backup service like CodeGuard or VaultPress
  • Keep WordPress core, plugins, and themes updated, and use a backup and restore solution
  • Avoid using weak passwords and keep access limited to those who need it
  • Use a caching plugin, like W3 Total Cache or Autoptimize, to improve performance
  • Monitor website performance and use SEO plugins like Yoast SEO or All in One SEO Pack
  • Consider using a content delivery network, like Cloudflare, to improve website speed and performance
  • Regularly test and update themes and plugins to ensure compatibility
  • Keep WordPress and plugins updated, and use a backup and restore solution
  • Use a child theme for customizing plugins and templates
  • Consider using a managed WordPress hosting service, like WP Engine or Kinsta, for enhanced security and performance