How to Successfully Launch Your Project Through a Launchpad

Learn the essential steps to successfully launch your project through a launchpad, including having a solid vision, building a community, and weighing the pros and cons of IDOs and curated launchpads to achieve long-term success.

Key takeaways
  • When launching a project, it’s essential to have a solid vision, whitepaper, and prototype before going to a launchpad.
  • A launchpad should help bring in long-term users, not just mercenaries, as fake data can lead to short-term success and a token that dies off quickly.
  • A common issue with launchpads is that they can absorb a large amount of liquidity initially, but may not have a roadmap for the future, leading to the token dying off.
  • The best time to join a launchpad is when you have a product with traction and are in the right narrative.
  • IDOs and launchpads come in different forms, with some being more curated than others.
  • When using a launchpad, it’s crucial to consider the pros and cons and weigh their value against your goals and needs.
  • Sometimes, a launchpad can help you get exposure and funding, but you need to be careful not to give up too much control and put yourself in a difficult situation.
  • It’s essential to build a community before going to a launchpad, and the community should be driven by the value of the project, not just an airdrop.
  • A fully functioning product is crucial for a successful launchpad, as it provides a prototype for users to test and engage with.
  • Timing is crucial when choosing a launchpad, as it can affect your chances of success.
  • When considering a launchpad, it’s essential to look at the metrics, such as user growth and engagement, and not just the number of people on the platform.