SAINTCON 2023 - Closing Ceremonies

Join us as we celebrate the closing of SAINTCON 2023! Hear heartfelt thanks and nostalgic highlights from the past few days, including the mini-badges, Hacker's Challenge, and ICS escape room.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker thanks everyone for the efforts put in to make the conference a success.
  • The mini-badges were a hit, but some people had trouble activating them.
  • The Hacker’s Challenge game levels up each year, and this year was no exception.
  • The speaker thanks the partners and sponsors for their contributions.
  • The community is what makes the conference special, and welcoming people from all over.
  • The ICS escape room and the Vault were a success.
  • The Blue Team content was well-received.
  • The speaker thanks the planning committee for their hard work.
  • The Keep did a great job with the decorations.
  • The speaker encourages people to get involved and learn from each other.
  • The passion and dedication of the community is what makes the conference special.
  • The speaker thanks everyone for their participation and encourages people to keep learning and growing.
  • The conference will be back next year, and people are looking forward to it.
  • The speaker thanks the vendors, organizers, and attendees for their contributions.