How to Survive & Thrive in Tech Leadership Through Agile Transformation • Sean Langton • YOW! 2018

Empower your tech leadership through agile transformation, learn the secrets of success from Sean Langton, expert in adopting agile approaches to drive better products and better business outcomes.

Key takeaways
  • Empathy and product development go hand-in-hand, leading to better products.
  • Lean architecture processes help identify and resolve problems.
  • Using data to measure success makes a significant difference.
  • Bringing people from traditional business roles to the tech world helps in acquiring diverse skills.
  • Governance is crucial, and poorly executed governance can be a waste of time.
  • It’s essential to distinguish between Enterprise Agile and Agile software development.
  • Architects should focus on making autonomous decisions, rather than relying on someone else for approval.
  • Agile ceremonies are not just about rituals, but about identifying and resolving problems.
  • Consistent cadence and rhythm across the business is crucial.
  • Transparency and visibility are vital for governance and decision-making.
  • It’s essential to practice what you preach, leading by example, and having a single point of truth for decision-making.
  • Focus on recognising and addressing the real problems, rather than getting caught up in a cult-like atmosphere.
  • Understand the difference between Agile software development and Enterprise Agile.
  • Recognise that, as leaders, you have to listen to advice and be willing to change your mind.