How Vite Makes Nuxt Possible, Daniel Roe, ViteConf 2022

Discover how Vite enables fast and efficient development for Nuxt, allowing for rapid iteration and deployment of changes, with features like auto imports, inlining, and tree shaking.

Key takeaways
  • Nuxt uses Vite as its build tool, allowing for fast and efficient development.
  • Vite makes Nuxt possible by enabling rapid development and deployment.
  • Nuxt has auto imports for components and auto imports for components with CSS.
  • Nuxt has inlining of used CSS, which can be disabled in the configuration.
  • Vite allows for tree shaking and bundling of unused code, resulting in smaller bundles.
  • Nuxt uses Vite to transform code and emit separate CSS bundles for components.
  • Vite allows for injecting magic keys into components for runtime access.
  • Nuxt has a plugin system that allows for extension and customization of the framework.
  • Vite makes it easy to add custom plugins to Nuxt.
  • Nuxt can be configured to use different bundlers, such as Rollup or ESBuild.
  • Vite and Rollup can be used together to enable hot module replacement and other advanced features.
  • Nuxt has a strong focus on developer experience and ease of use.
  • Vite enables rapid iteration and deployment of changes to Nuxt.
  • Nuxt can be used to build a wide range of applications, including SSR and serverless functions.
  • Nuxt has a strong community and is being actively developed and improved.