What it actually costs – an ecological Price Tag for Software Development

Discover the ecological price tag of software development, from conference calls and meetings to data centers and devices. Explore the challenges and solutions to reducing emissions and shaping a more sustainable future.

Key takeaways
  • Ecological price tag: Conference calls and online meetings are not climate-friendly, same as flying, which emits 190 kg CO2 per flight from Berlin to Munich.
  • Remote work: Hybrid approach needed, companies can’t expect everyone to come to office every day, but co-working spaces can facilitate socializing.
  • Energy consumption: Data centers, devices, and transportation contribute to energy consumption, but most of it comes from fossil fuels (45% of energy in Germany).
  • Carbon offsetting: Not enough, we need to focus on reducing emissions, it’s not just about offsetting them.
  • E-book readers: Solving one problem (book manufacturing) creates another (e-reader production and disposal).
  • YouTube: One hour of streaming equals less than one cent to pay for CO2 emissions.
  • Cloud providers: Google claims 100% renewables, but it’s not the whole process, AWS is at 50% since two years.
  • Development culture: Need to rethink, short device lifespan (2 years) and frequent changes contribute to emissions.
  • Calculating carbon footprint: Easy for some things, but complicated for others; scientists need data to make forecasts.
  • Shift to green energy: Transformation of energy production necessary, reaching decentralized renewable energy stores.
  • Action: Joining organizations (e.g., entrepreneurs for future), supporting climate strikers, and making eco-friendly choices can make a difference.