Impact: Mindset vs Measurement. Panel moderated by Zane Bojāre / Startup Wise Guys

Join the conversation on the importance of internalizing sustainability values and actions within a company's culture to drive lasting impact, covering mindset, measurement, and beyond.

Key takeaways
  • Mindset vs Measurement: The importance of internalizing sustainability values within a company’s culture to drive impact.
  • Sustainability is not just about measures: It’s about the mindset and values that guide a company’s actions, making a lasting impact.
  • Breaking down sustainability: It’s not a daunting task, but rather a series of small actions that aggregate to make a significant difference.
  • Labeling vs Action: Labeling a company as “sustainable” doesn’t mean much if the company isn’t taking concrete actions to reduce its environmental footprint.
  • Impact is ageless: Sustainability is not limited to a specific age group, but rather a mindset that can be adopted by people of all ages.
  • Measuring impact: It’s crucial to measure the impact of sustainability efforts, but it’s not the only factor; mindset and cultural shifts are equally important.
  • Companies undervalue themselves: Companies often underestimate the potential impact they can have by adopting sustainable practices, and it’s crucial to break down this perceived barrier.
  • Investors expecting sustainability reporting: Investors are increasingly demanding sustainability reports from companies, making it essential for businesses to set clear goals and track their progress.
  • Combining bubbles: It’s essential to bridge the gap between different industries and companies, fostering collaboration and innovation to drive sustainability.
  • Don’t be afraid to communicate: Transparency and open communication are key to fostering a culture of sustainability within a company.
  • Education is key: Education and awareness are crucial for driving sustainability; it’s essential to educate employees, customers, and partners about the importance of sustainability.
  • Companies have the power to make a difference: Companies have the power to make a significant impact on the environment and drive positive change; it’s essential to recognize this responsibility and take action.