Jacob Schreiber - tfmodisco-lite: an attribution based motif discovery algorithm | SciPy 2023

Discover tfmodisco-lite, a novel attribution-based motif discovery algorithm that identifies genomic basis of gene expression, driver genes, and binding sites of transcription factors, offering improved efficiency and scalability.

Key takeaways
  • tfmodisco-lite is an attribution-based motif discovery algorithm designed to identify the underlying genomic basis of gene expression.
  • The algorithm is particularly useful for identifying driver genes and motifs that are responsible for gene expression.
  • tfmodisco-lite is based on a coarse-grained representation of the input sequence, using a mixture model to predict the binding of transcription factors (TFs).
  • The algorithm is agnostic to the attribution method used and can be applied to various assays, such as ChIP-seq.
  • tfmodisco-lite is designed to be faster and more efficient than existing methods, with a significant reduction in computational resources.
  • The algorithm is useful for identifying the genomic basis of gene expression, which is important for understanding the underlying causes of disease.
  • tfmodisco-lite can be used to identify the binding sites of TFs, which are important for understanding gene regulation.
  • The algorithm is particularly useful for identifying the binding sites of CTCF, a protein that plays a crucial role in chromatin structure and gene regulation.
  • tfmodisco-lite can be used to identify the binding sites of other TFs, such as E2F6, which is important for understanding the regulation of gene expression.
  • The algorithm is useful for identifying the genomic basis of gene expression, which is important for understanding the underlying causes of disease.
  • tfmodisco-lite can be used to identify the binding sites of TFs, which are important for understanding gene regulation.
  • The algorithm is particularly useful for identifying the binding sites of CTCF, a protein that plays a crucial role in chromatin structure and gene regulation.