JAMstack agency fireside chat

Expert agencies leverage JAMstack's flexibility, speed, and scalability to deliver innovative solutions for clients, with benefits including faster time-to-market and reduced dependencies.

Key takeaways
  • JAMstack agencies can specialize in areas of expertise, reducing the need for extensive technical expertise.
  • JAMstack aligns well with agile marketing teams and allows for flexibility and growth.
  • Convincing clients to adopt JAMstack requires showing benefits such as faster time-to-market and reduced dependencies.
  • Static sites can be dynamic, and instant preview is possible with JAMstack.
  • JAMstack can be used for various projects, from simple blogs to complex e-commerce sites.
  • Agencies can use JAMstack to help clients integrate with Adobe Marketing Cloud, for example.
  • JAMstack is not just for WordPress or Drupal, but can be used with any content management system.
  • Training sales and non-technical people to sell JAMstack requires emphasizing its benefits and simplicity.
  • JAMstack can be used for internal company websites, and can even integrate with external services like Firestore.
  • The term “JAMstack” is misleading, as it implies a focus on static sites only.
  • JAMstack can be used for large-scale, complex systems, such as those used by Nike.
  • De-unicornification is a movement within agencies, where staff specialize in areas of expertise rather than being generalists.
  • JAMstack can reduce dependencies on other areas of concern, such as infrastructure.