Java Security & the Java Ecosystem • Nicolas Frankel & Preben Thorø

Explore the challenges and changes in the Java ecosystem, including security risks from untrusted code and dependencies, and the impact on the Java community and future direction of the JVM.

Key takeaways
  • The Java ecosystem has evolved significantly over the years, with the introduction of new features and technologies, but still facing challenges such as untrusted code and lack of auditing.
  • The security manager, introduced to provide better security, has become less relevant as companies move towards newer versions of Java.
  • Untrusted code is a major issue, with library dependencies and transitive dependencies posing risks to system security.
  • The Java ecosystem is fragmented, with different versions and release cadences, making it challenging for companies to keep up.
  • The security manager is no longer a effective solution, as it was designed for a different era.
  • The Java community has changed, with less community-driven efforts and a focus on faster release cadences, which may lead to unintended consequences.
  • The future of the JVM is uncertain, with concerns about its direction and the potential for it to become a less relevant platform.
  • The importance of understanding and managing dependencies is crucial, as they can pose significant security risks.
  • The need for a sandbox or restricted environment is increasingly important, as companies need to ensure the security of their systems.
  • The JVM provides too many features and capabilities, making it possible to misuse its power.
  • The Java ecosystem is no longer the same as it was in its early days, with changes in the way libraries are managed and the focus on newer technologies such as Kotlin and Scala.
  • The importance of stability and backward compatibility is critical, as companies need to be able to maintain and upgrade their systems over time.
  • The future of Java is uncertain, with concerns about its relevance and the potential for it to become less popular.