Jay Ohms - Strada: Bridging the web and native worlds - Rails World 2023

Meet Strata, a unifying framework that bridges the gap between web and native apps, enabling seamless integration of UI components and bi-directional communication between the two worlds.

Key takeaways
  • Strata is a framework for bridging the gap between web and native apps, allowing for seamless integration of web and native UI components.
  • The framework leverages stimulus directly and uses a bridge element to connect web and native components.
  • Web components are extended versions of the bridge component class, and native components are also extended versions of the bridge component class.
  • The bridge element is responsible for handling communication between the web and native apps, allowing for the passing of messages and data between the two.
  • The framework uses a component-based approach, allowing for the creation of reusable components that can be used across multiple platforms.
  • The native apps can be notified of state changes in the WebView DOM, allowing for real-time updates and communication between the web and native apps.
  • The framework provides a way to send messages between the web and native apps, allowing for bi-directional communication and data exchange.
  • The framework uses an opt-in component system, where behaviors change based on whether the component is enabled and the native app supports the component.
  • The framework provides a way to create custom components that can be used across multiple platforms, allowing for the creation of reusable and platform-independent code.
  • The framework is designed to be easy to use and integrates well with existing web and native app development tools and frameworks.
  • The framework provides a way to debug and test components, allowing for easy debugging and testing of components across multiple platforms.
  • The framework is designed to be scalable and can be used to create complex and feature-rich apps that integrate web and native UI components.