Just Enough Assembly for Compiler Explorer - Anders Schau Knatten - CppCon 2021

Discover the importance of assembly language in understanding compilation, explore x86 assembly syntax, and learn how to use Compiler Explorer to gain insights into the compilation process with Anders Schau Knatten at CppCon 2021.

Key takeaways
  • Anders Schau Knatten is the speaker delivering the conference talk “Just Enough Assembly for Compiler Explorer” at CppCon 2021.
  • The talk is about assembly language and its importance in understanding compilation.
  • The speaker explains that there are many types of assembly languages, including x86 assembly.
  • He shares that he has no intention to teach fundamental C++ or programming concepts, but rather intends to teach just enough assembly to understand Compiler Explorer.
  • The main points of the presentation include:
    • The importance of assembly language in understanding compilation
    • Introduction to x86 assembly and its syntax
    • Exploration of Compiler Explorer and its benefits
    • Discussed the concept of stack frames, registers, and addressing in assembly language
    • Explained the concept of push and pop operations
    • Discussed the importance of understanding memory and its usage in assembly language
    • Covered basic arithmetic operations in assembly language
    • Discussed the importance of loops and conditionals in assembly language
    • Discussed the concept of return values and how they are handled in assembly language
    • The speaker also shares some of his own experiences and areas of interest, including his work at Zivid, where he mainly does C++ development, and his running of a C++ quiz site.