KEYNOTE: Anna Hall - Purpose is Your Superpower!

Discover the power of purpose: learn how to identify and embrace your unique strengths, values, and personality to live a fulfilling and meaningful life that drives you to make a difference.

Key takeaways
  • Your purpose is not something you decide on, it’s who you are and what you do.
  • Purpose is tied to your unique strengths and personality, which are 60% genetic.
  • It’s okay to not know your purpose, but you can discover it.
  • Start by identifying what brings you joy and what you’re naturally good at.
  • Embrace your purpose and the fears that come with it will start to fade away.
  • Purpose is not something you do, it’s something that drives you and makes you feel alive.
  • It’s the thing that makes you different from others, and that’s okay.
  • Purpose can be the thing that helps you make a difference in the world.
  • Your values, personality, and natural way of being all contribute to your purpose.
  • Joy is a feeling of lightness and excitement, and it’s related to living in your purpose.
  • Purpose can help you overcome challenges and make you feel more resilient.
  • Celebrate your uniqueness and what makes you special.
  • Your purpose is not something you need to achieve, it’s something you are.
  • Living in purpose is linked to longevity and overall well-being.
  • Don’t waste your time trying to be something you’re not, focus on what makes you unique.
  • You have to learn to love yourself and accept yourself before you can love others.
  • Purpose is a unique combination of strengths, values, and personality that makes you, you.
  • You don’t need to worry about what others think of your purpose, focus on what makes you happy.
  • Embracing your purpose allows you to make a difference in the world and helps you feel fulfilled.