Know Thy Enemy: The Taxonomies That Meta Uses to Map the Offensive Privacy Space

Develop a privacy adversarial framework to map the offensive privacy space, leveraging tech like Meta's MWE framework and ATT&CK, to identify vulnerabilities, track TTPs, and improve remediation strategies.

Key takeaways
  • Developing a privacy adversarial framework (PAF) and a taxonomic approach to mapping the offensive privacy space is crucial for organizations like Meta.
  • PAF is a TTP framework, similar to MITRE’s ATT&CK, focusing on tactics, techniques, and procedures used by adversaries to exploit privacy vulnerabilities.
  • The Meta Weaknesses Enumeration (MWE) framework aims to identify and categorize weaknesses exploited by adversaries, with a focus on technical specificity and granularity.
  • Privacy threats are often underrepresented in automated detection systems, requiring a privacy-inclusive taxonomy to address these gaps.
  • Cross-organizational trends can inform tech investment and spread awareness, but may require deeper investment in education and awareness.
  • Effective tracking of adversaries’ tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) requires a Privacy Adversarial Framework that incorporates insights from security and privacy.
  • Building a robust taxonomy for privacy threats requires collaboration between teams, including privacy, security, and integrity.
  • The most effective way to remediate vulnerabilities is to understand the root causes, the vectors used to exploit them, and the mitigations that can be applied.
  • Addressing privacy threats requires a comprehensive approach, considering both system-level and human-level factors, including data protection, education, and awareness.