LeadDev London 2022 Hywel Carver

Discover the power of active learning, wisdom, and reflection in this engaging talk, Learn how understanding the differences between knowledge, skills, and wisdom can improve your learning outcomes and accelerate skill-building.

Key takeaways
  • Passive learning is about consuming content, while active learning is about interacting with it.
  • Bloom’s taxonomy defines knowledge as knowing facts, understanding principles, and applying them.
  • Skills are about doing things, like writing code.
  • Wisdom is about making good decisions based on experience and understanding the underlying principles.
  • Context is important for learning, as the same information can be applied differently in different situations.
  • Knowledge, skills, and wisdom build on each other, and understanding the differences between them can help with learning.
  • Epsilon is a value that represents the tradeoff between exploration and exploitation in reinforcement learning.
  • Reflecting with peers is an important part of gaining wisdom.
  • Not all best practices are suitable for all contexts, and considering the context is important.
  • Boredom is the opposite of learning, and actively engaging with learning materials can lead to better results.
  • Games, such as Catan, can be a good example of learning, as they require understanding of rules and application of strategies.
  • The affective context model suggests that emotions play a role in learning.
  • Two ways to accelerate learning are reflection with peers and building something.
  • Success is not repeatable, as it is dependent on the situation.
  • Learning styles are not fixed, and people can adapt to changing contexts.