Leveraging graph AI and GPUs to win the US Cyber Command AI challenge - Leo Meyerovich


Leveraging graph AI and GPUs to accelerate processing and win the US Cyber Command AI challenge with a 10X speedup, using UMAP and GNNs for efficient data analysis and visualization.

Key takeaways
  • Leveraging graph AI and GPUs can significantly speed up processing time, achieving a 10X speedup on average.
  • UMAP (Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection) is a powerful tool for visualizing high-dimensional data and clustering similar patterns.
  • Graph neural networks (GNNs) enable connections to be made between nodes in a graph, allowing for efficient exploration of complex relationships.
  • GFQL (Graph Frame Query Language) is a new graph query language that runs on GPUs, allowing for fast processing of graph data.
  • To win the US Cyber Command AI Challenge, it is necessary to develop a robust and efficient workflow for processing and analyzing large amounts of data.
  • The speaker’s company, Graphistry, was able to win the challenge by leveraging their expertise in graph AI and GPUs.
  • The US Cyber Command AI Challenge was a complex problem that required the use of various tools and techniques, including graph neural networks and UMAP.
  • The challenge involved processing and analyzing large amounts of data, including IP addresses, alerts, and network logs.
  • The speaker’s company was able to achieve a significant speedup in processing time by using GPUs and GNNs.
  • The U.S. Cyber Command AI Challenge is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about AI and its applications in cybersecurity.