Living on the Edge • Erica Pisani • YOW! 2023

Here is the meta description: Discover how The Edge transforms your app's performance, reduces latency and carbon emissions, and promotes regional content, with insights from PlanetScale's Erica Pisani at YOW! 2023.

Key takeaways
  • The Edge is not just moving code to the edge, but also figuring out how to store data locally.
  • The Edge can look like a globally distributed database, even though data is still hosted in a single location.
  • Regional Edge caches can give users a little bit more wiggle room by allowing requests to be handled locally.
  • The Edge can help reduce request latency by running code and serving data closer to the user.
  • PlanetScale uses a database clustering system called the test, which allows for database replication.
  • The Edge can help reduce carbon emissions by reducing the need for long-distance requests and allowing for more localized data storage.
  • Smart Placement can take the initial RTT and divide it by the number of hops to the next closest Edge location, giving a more accurate estimate of the distance between the user and the service.
  • Edge environments have global routing infrastructure that can help reduce request latency.
  • The Edge can be used by mobile developers, backend developers, and full-stack developers.
  • Cloud providers have different approaches to the Edge, such as AWS’s Snowball and Cloudflare’s durable objects.
  • Durable objects are two databases, one for data and one for transactions, that can help ensure data consistency.
  • The Edge can help reduce the load on data centers by allowing for more localized data storage and processing.
  • Connection pools and data replication can help improve the performance of requests made over the Edge.
  • The Edge can help reduce carbon emissions by reducing the energy consumption of data centers.
  • The International Energy Agency has reported that the carbon footprint of the Internet has grown tenfold over the past decade and is expected to continue growing.
  • The Edge can help improve the performance of applications by reducing request latency and optimizing data storage and processing.
  • The Edge can also be used to promote regional content, such as language-specific content or content targeted at specific geographic regions.
  • Edge environments can be used to validate the user’s session and add the country value as a query parameter to the URL.
  • The Edge can help reduce the number of requests made to origin servers by allowing for more localized data storage and processing.
  • The Edge can help improve the performance of mobile applications by reducing request latency and optimizing data storage and processing.
  • The Edge can be used to store static pages and cache frequently requested content.
  • The Edge can help reduce the energy consumption of data centers by allowing for more localized data storage and processing.
  • The Edge can be used to validate the user’s session and add the country value as a query parameter to the URL.
  • The Edge can help reduce the number of requests made to origin servers by allowing for more localized data storage and processing.