malexmave: Wie man mit Mathematik ein API übernehmen kann (und wie gute Architektur das verhindert)

Learn how to securely design an API with mathematics, while avoiding common pitfalls, and discover the importance of using secure encryption algorithms, protocols, and keys to protect your data.

Key takeaways
  • A block cipher is a symmetric encryption algorithm that encrypts data in fixed-size blocks
  • XORing the plaintext with a random key can be secure, but not in this case
  • The problem with XORing the plaintext is that it is not secure due to the lack of authentication
  • A better approach is to use a secure encryption algorithm, such as AES, and authenticate the data
  • The presentation also suggests using a secure protocol, such as HTTPS, to transmit the data
  • The importance of using a secure protocol was mentioned: “a secure protocol is a protocol that is designed to prevent unauthorized access to the data”
  • The presentation also mentions the importance of using a secure algorithm, such as AES, for encryption
  • The use of a secure algorithm ensures that the data is protected from unauthorized access and tampering
  • Additionally, the presentation mentions the importance of using a secure key for encryption, as a weak key can compromise the security of the encrypted data