Manu Martinez-Almeida | Qwik: Performance is a Human Design Issue | ViteConf 2023

Discover the revolutionary performance-focused framework, Qwik, that eliminates hydration, enables instant applications at scale, and transforms the way you build applications, from both technical and human design perspectives.

Key takeaways
  • Performance is a human design issue, not just a technical one.
  • Most developers prioritize capabilities over performance.
  • JavaScript is the primary bottleneck in web development.
  • Qwik is a performance-focused framework that solves the performance issue in a completely different way.
  • Qwik eliminates the need for hydration, which is a major performance issue in other frameworks.
  • Qwik is not about optimizing code, but about fundamentally changing the way applications are built.
  • Performance is not about making complex applications, but about making applications that allow developers to focus on what they really care about.
  • Qwik is designed to be used with VIT, which breaks up modules into smaller parts, making it possible to stream and prefetch modules.
  • Qwik allows developers to write complex, instant applications at scale without any performance overhead.
  • The recommended way to use Qwik right now is using a VIT plugin.
  • Qwik is not a framework for optimizing your code to have fast re-renders, but a framework that handles all these things for you.
  • Qwik solves the problem from a technical point of view, but also from a human design point of view.
  • Qwik allows developers to write applications that are instantly interactive, without any performance overhead.
  • Qwik is the first O(1) framework, meaning it has a flat scalability, making it possible to build big applications without any performance issues.
  • Qwik is not about making applications faster, but about making applications that allow developers to focus on what they really care about.