Uniting Business and Data Silos: The Path to Agile and Responsive Organizations

Learn how to overcome data silos and unite your business and data systems for improved agility and responsiveness, and discover the solutions that can help you achieve real-time insights and collaboration.

Key takeaways
  • Data silos are a significant problem for businesses, causing inefficiencies and difficulties in getting real-time insights.
  • Integration is the only solution to unite data from different apps and vendors.
  • Companies use multiple applications to manage their customization and digitalization journeys, but this leads to data silos.
  • The sales team often requests reports and asks the technical co-founder or staff to figure out how to bring the data together.
  • Smaller companies often start integrating their data later, as they don’t have the budget or resources to invest in a data stack.
  • As companies grow, they realize the importance of data integration and the need to overcome data silos.
  • Solutions like Zoho and HubSpot integrate multiple apps, but may not be sufficient to solve the problem.
  • Small and mid-sized companies may not have the resources to invest in a data stack, but still need to integrate their data.
  • Data silos create a collaboration problem between departments, making it difficult to access the right data.
  • Integrating data is a complex process, especially for mid-sized and enterprise companies with multiple apps and vendors.
  • Data becomes more important as companies grow, and data silos become a bigger problem.
  • Solutions like Pica and other data integration tools can help overcome data silos.
  • Companies may need to start with a single platform that integrates all their software tools and then grow.
  • Data silos lead to inefficiencies, with companies losing up to 23% of their time trying to integrate data.
  • Companies may start integrating their data when they notice that it’s causing problems, such as leaky money or difficulty in accessing data.