Tips and tricks for optimizing Django response times with Carmela Beiro - DjangoCon US 2022

Optimize your Django application's response times with expert tips on database operations, indexing, caching, and more, from DjangoCon US 2022.

Key takeaways
  • Optimize database operations at the lowest level, i.e., the database, for better performance.
  • Use indexes to improve query performance, but consider the order of the index and the query.
  • Use select_related and prefetch_related to reduce the number of database queries.
  • Cache query sets and attributes to reduce the number of database queries.
  • Use values to return a query set with dictionaries instead of models.
  • Define partial indexes to add a where condition to the index.
  • Use caching to store pre-calculated results.
  • Consider using asynchronous approaches to improve performance.
  • Use profiling tools to identify performance bottlenecks.
  • Store pre-calculated results to reduce the number of database queries.
  • Use only and defer to select only the attributes that are needed.
  • Consider using a columnar database for large amounts of historic data.
  • Use explain to see what the query optimizer is doing.
  • Consider the tradeoff between performance and data freshness when using caching.
  • Use Django Debug Toolbar and Django Silk to profile and debug queries.
  • Consider the requirements of the project when deciding which database to use.
  • Use select_related for foreign key relationships and prefetch_related for many-to-many relationships.
  • Use values to return a query set with dictionaries instead of models.
  • Define partial indexes to add a where condition to the index.
  • Use caching to store pre-calculated results.
  • Consider using asynchronous approaches to improve performance.
  • Use profiling tools to identify performance bottlenecks.
  • Store pre-calculated results to reduce the number of database queries.
  • Use only and defer to select only the attributes that are needed.
  • Consider using a columnar database for large amounts of historic data.
  • Use explain to see what the query optimizer is doing.
  • Consider the tradeoff between performance and data freshness when using caching.