Marc Feistkorn: Karlsruher Modell - Geschichte, Technik, Ausblick

Explore the Karlsruher Modell, a holistic approach to business emphasizing company culture, social responsibility, and employee engagement for sustainable success.

Key takeaways
  • The Karlsruher Modell is a holistic approach to business and it emphasizes the importance of the company culture.
  • The company culture should be in line with the business strategy and the vision of the company.
  • A good company culture can improve employee engagement and motivation.
  • The Karlsruher Modell is based on the principles of social responsibility, integrity, and reliability.
  • The company culture must be communicated clearly to all employees and stakeholders.
  • The Karlsruher Modell is a flexible approach and can be applied to different business cultures.
  • Good company culture is the foundation of a successful company.
  • The Karlsruher Modell is not just a theory, but a practice that has been successfully applied in different companies.
  • The Karlsruher Modell is applicable to every level of the company, from top management to employees.
  • The company culture can be influenced by the employees and the customers.
  • The company culture must be well-managed and preserving in order to ensure its sustainability.
  • The Karlsruher Modell is not just a model, but a vision for the future of the company.
  • The company culture is the most important asset of the company.
  • The Karlsruher Modell is a recipe for success in business.
  • The company culture should be reflected in the behavior and actions of the employees.
  • The Karlsruher Modell is based on the principles of trust, transparency, and accountability.
  • The company culture can be the key to the success of the company.