Marion Baumgartner: PostGIS and pgRouting: Extensions for spatial data in PostgreSQL (PGConf.EU 23)

Explore the power of spatial data with PostGIS and pgRouting, extensions for PostgreSQL, and discover how they can be used to find the shortest path, optimize routes, and more.

Key takeaways
  • PostGIS can be considered a spatial database or used as a spatial database, providing functionality like finding the shortest path.
  • PG Roting answers questions like finding the shortest path between two points on a graph, taking into account different costs and restrictions.
  • PG Roting can be used for emergencies, where the algorithm can be adjusted to prioritize faster routes.
  • The st_simplify function can simplify geometries to reduce the number of points used to represent it.
  • PG Roting uses a library of functions, including the Dijkstra and A* algorithms, to find the shortest path.
  • PG Roting can be used to find the driving distance between two points, taking into account the edges of a graph.
  • Indexing is an important concept in PG Roting, as it can speed up queries.
  • PG Roting can be used to extract data from OpenStreetMap.
  • PG Roting has a wide range of use cases, including finding the shortest path between multiple points.
  • The st functions in PostGIS provide various spatial functions, including st_within and st_simplify.
  • PG Roting can be used to optimize queries, such as finding the shortest path between two points.
  • PG Roting can be used to solve the traveling salesman problem.
  • PG Roting has tools to analyze the results of a query, making it easier to understand the output.
  • The performance of PG Roting can be optimized by adding indexes and using the correct algorithms.
  • PG Roting can be used to find the shortest path between two points on a graph, taking into account the edges of a graph.
  • The PG Routing extension brings the ability to perform routing within the Postgres database.