Modern frontends with Thymeleaf and htmx by Wim Deblauwe

Discover how to build complex applications with Thymeleaf and htmx, leveraging server-side rendering for improved SEO, speed, and user experience. Learn best practices for efficient updates, caching, and rich dynamic interactions.

Key takeaways
  • Server-side rendering (SSR) with Spring Boot and Thymeleaf is recommended for complex applications.
  • Thymeleaf is a server-side Java template engine.
  • HTMX is a JavaScript library that enhances server-side rendering with SPRING BOOT.
  • Use HTMX for small updates of the DOM, rather than full page reloads.
  • Spring MVC helpers provide easy access to server-side rendering.
  • Caching is important when using server-side rendering.
  • Server-side rendering can improve SEO and speed up application development.
  • The speaker recommends building an HTML API with server-side rendering.
  • Thymeleaf allows for easy linking to partial updates in the DOM.
  • HTMX provides an easy way to implement small, fine-grained updates to the DOM.
  • Spring Boot and Thymeleaf can be used to create complex applications with rich dynamic interaction.
  • SPA (Single Page Application) and MPA (Multi Page Application) terminology was discussed.
  • HTMX can be used to create dynamic web applications with rich user experience.
  • Thymeleaf provides natural templates for generating HTML pages.
  • Server-side rendering provides a better user experience with the page loaded in the background.
  • Dynamic updating can be achieved with HTMX and server-side rendering.
  • The speaker recommends learning more about TimeLeaf and Spring Boot from his book.