Machine Learning Made Easy With PyCaret • Moez Ali • GOTO 2022

Discover how PyCaret makes machine learning easy with Moez Ali at GOTO 2022, exploring features, libraries, and design that simplify experimentation, deployment, and collaboration.

Key takeaways

Machine Learning Made Easy with PyCaret

  • Comparing models shows the average results, not individual fold scores
  • Log all metrics, including plots, during experimentation
  • Use Docker for reproducibility and version control
  • Pre-processing is important; PyCaret includes many methods
  • Feature importance is used for explanation
  • CatBoost, LightGBM, and SHAP are integrated libraries
  • Low code environment is a key differentiator
  • Citizen data scientists are halfway between business users and data scientists
  • PyCaret has a modular design, with many building blocks
  • Tensus notebooks for data exploration and visualization
  • Fast API is used for building APIs
  • PyCaret has integration with Fugue for distributed computing
  • Random forests and gradient boosting are important algorithms
  • Explanability is a key concept in machine learning
  • PyCaret is open-source and has a large community
  • It’s a good tool for small and medium-sized companies