Natan Mish - Event Driven Machine Learning | PyData London 2023

Discover how event-driven machine learning overcomes traditional limitations in rapidly changing environments with Apache Kafka, Delta Lake, and Streamlit.

Key takeaways
  • The traditional way of implementing machine learning models is not suitable for today’s fast-paced and rapidly changing environments.
  • Event-driven architecture is a solution that can be used to overcome the limitations of traditional machine learning approaches.
  • The event-driven architecture is a decentralized system where data is processed in a real-time manner and where the model is constantly being updated.
  • The concept of concept drift is essential in event-driven machine learning, as the relationship between the features and the target variable changes over time.
  • Online machine learning is a key aspect of event-driven machine learning, as it allows for real-time updates of the model.
  • Apache Kafka is an important open-source project that enables event-driven architecture.
  • Commercial offerings such as AWS Lambda also enable event-driven architecture.
  • Delta Lake is an open-source framework that allows for efficient storage and processing of data.
  • Streamlit is a tool that can be used to create interactive applications for event-driven machine learning.
  • The importance of testing and simulation in event-driven systems cannot be overstated.
  • The traditional monolithic architecture is not suitable for modern fast-paced environments.
  • Event-driven architecture offers many benefits, including reduced latency, increased scalability, and improved maintainability.
  • It is essential to consider costs and resources when implementing event-driven architecture.
  • There are many open-source projects that can be used to implement event-driven architecture, such as Knative.
  • Testing and simulation are essential in event-driven systems to ensure that they are robust and reliable.