Nate Rush De Regid the Widget: Making Jupyter a Haven for Startups | JupyterCon 2023

Discover how Jupyter widgets can be simplified, made more accessible, and tailored to the needs of startups and small teams, and learn how the community can come together to create a more welcoming platform for building and sharing widgets.

Key takeaways
  • The traditional approach to building state management in Jupyter widgets can be complex and opinionated, making it challenging for startups and others to get started.
  • Jupyter widgets can be slow to build and require significant infrastructure, which can be a barrier for startups and other small teams.
  • The core widget framework can be opinionated and requires a significant amount of work to understand and customize, making it difficult for beginners to use.
  • Jupyter widgets can be complex to set up and configure, especially for those who are new to the technology.
  • The Jupyter community could benefit from a more welcoming and accepting platform for building and sharing widgets.
  • Custom widgets can be used to simplify the development process and provide a more flexible and extensible solution.
  • Mito’s approach to building widgets, which starts with a simple React Grid rendering, can be a good example for others to follow.
  • Jupyter widgets can be used to build simple and complex data applications, and the ability to integrate with other tools and frameworks is essential.
  • The future of Jupyter widgets lies in simplifying the development process, making it more accessible and easy to use for beginners, and providing more functionality and customization options.