Open Source BPM Comparison - Andrew Bonham

Explore the world of open source BPM products, including JBPM, Kamunda, Flowable, and Camunda, and learn how to choose the right tool for your complex workflows, case management, and decision tables.

Key takeaways
  • Open source BPM products: JBPM, Kamunda, Flowable, and Camunda
  • When to use a BPM product: when dealing with complex workflows, case management, and decision tables
  • BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) is a standard for modeling business processes
  • CMMN (Case Management Modeling Notation) is another standard for modeling business processes
  • DMN (Decision Model and Notation) is a standard for decision tables
  • BPM products are not one-size-fits-all, consider the complexity of the workflow and the type of decision-making required
  • Open source BPM products have different strengths and weaknesses, such as JBPM’s focus on business decisions and rules, Kamunda’s ability to model and execute complex workflows, and Flowable’s support for CMMN and DMN
  • Camunda is a popular open source BPM product with a large community and enterprise edition
  • When choosing an open source BPM product, consider the licensing, community support, and scalability
  • BPM products can be used to manage human workflow, system workflow, and complex workflows
  • Some open source BPM products have a stronger focus on human workflow, while others are more focused on system workflow
  • BPM products can be used to model and execute business processes, as well as to provide decision support and rules-based decision-making
  • When choosing a BPM product, consider the complexity of the workflow, the type of decision-making required, and the scalability of the product