OsmoDevCall - Themyscira Wireless: Osmocom CNI meets USA PSTN

Osmocom CNI meets USA PSTN in Themyscira Wireless, a deployable mobile network demo, featuring off-the-shelf software and intelligent routing for voice calls and SMS transmission.

Key takeaways

OsmoDevCall - Themyscira Wireless: Osmocom CNI meets USA PSTN

Key Takeaways

  • Osmocom CNI integrates with USA PSTN, aiming to provide a functional, deployable solution
  • The speaker implemented Themyscira Wireless, a CNI-based mobile network
  • Focus on using off-the-shelf, standalone software for testing and demonstration purposes
  • Intelligent routing decision for transmission of number formatting
  • Database management for a lifetime of 10 years
  • PCMU and PCMA use for interconnection
  • AMR transcoding might not be the best choice
  • Concerns about international number portability and A2P SMS classification
  • CNI meets PSTN in Themyscira Wireless, enabling voice calls and SMS transmission
  • There is no single solution that can handle SMS fully
  • Programmer must be familiar with CNI and have access to documentation for proprietary software