Organizing a Distributed Digital Hackathon (DeveloperWeek Global 2020)

Organize a successful hackathon with expert tips on team leadership, tool selection, diversity, and marketing.

Key takeaways
  • Have a dedicated team to organize a successful hackathon, including a hackathon lead, mentors, and judges.
  • Use the right tool to manage the hackathon, such as Gavel, Devpost, or Eventbrite, depending on the type of hackathon and its goals.
  • Encourage diversity and inclusivity at the hackathon by having a diverse set of mentors and judges, and by actively seeking out teams from underrepresented groups.
  • Set clear goals and metrics for the hackathon, such as the number of projects submitted, the number of participants, and the number of startups created.
  • Use marketing and publicity efforts to promote the hackathon and attract participants and sponsors.
  • Provide resources and support to teams, such as mentors, judges, and APIs, to help them develop and refine their projects.
  • Encourage collaboration and networking among participants, and provide a platform for teams to showcase their projects and connect with potential investors and customers.
  • Consider hosting a virtual hackathon, which can be more convenient and accessible for participants, and can help to reduce costs and logistical challenges.
  • Have a clear plan for the next steps after the hackathon, such as providing resources and support to help teams turn their projects into startups.
  • Use the hackathon as an opportunity to create a pipeline of talented developers and startups, and to build relationships with potential partners and customers.
  • Consider partnering with organizations, such as startup accelerators and incubators, to provide additional resources and support to hackathon participants.
  • Use the hackathon to create a diverse and inclusive community of developers and entrepreneurs, and to promote diversity and inclusion in the tech industry.
  • Have a clear plan for evaluating and selecting the winning projects, and for providing feedback and guidance to all participants.
  • Use the hackathon to create a platform for developers to showcase their skills and projects, and to connect with potential employers and customers.
  • Consider hosting a demo day or pitch competition after the hackathon, to help teams showcase their projects and connect with potential investors and customers.