Keynote: Coding Tomorrow by Lize Raes

Discover the future of coding with Lize Raes' keynote, exploring AI-powered tools and technologies that can assist with code completions, testing, documentation, and more, revolutionizing the way we develop software.

Key takeaways
  • AI can help with coding by predicting what you might type and suggesting code completions, saving you time.
  • We’re already seeing tools like GitHub Copilot and Langchain4j that can assist with coding.
  • Natural Language Models (LLMs) can be used for automated bug classification, ticket dispatching, and software development.
  • AI can help with testing and documentation, making it easier to write code and ensuring it’s correct.
  • LLMs can also be used for query building, making it easier to interact with databases.
  • AI can help with edge cases and complex use cases that are difficult for humans to handle.
  • AI can assist with debugging, making it easier to find and fix errors.
  • Code Rabbit is a tool that can help with code review and collaboration.
  • AI-powered IDEs can help with code completion, debugging, and testing.
  • LLMs can be used for content generation, such as generating documentation and release notes.
  • AI-powered software development can help with sustainability and reduce carbon footprint.
  • AI can assist with data analysis and visualization, making it easier to understand data.
  • AI-powered chatbots can be used for customer support and assistance.
  • AI-powered language translation can help with language barriers in software development.
  • AI can assist with code refreshing and debugging, making it easier to find and fix errors.
  • AI-powered IDEs can help with code completion, debugging, and testing.
  • AI-powered chatbots can be used for customer support and assistance.