[Keynote] Simon Riggs: The Next 20 Years (PGConf.EU 2023)

Join Simon Riggs, PostgreSQL visionary, as he shares insights on the next 20 years, discussing strategies for massive adoption and community growth.

Key takeaways
  • PostgreSQL is on the verge of massive adoption, with tens of thousands of people set to join the community.
  • The key to achieving this growth is big new features, which require collaboration from within and outside the core team.
  • Versioned subsystems would enable the community to focus on specific use cases while allowing for backwards compatibility.
  • Postgres already has a large and capable user base, but more contributors are needed to drive further growth.
  • One of the biggest challenges is convincing the public that Postgres is the right choice for their needs.
  • To achieve widespread adoption, Postgres needs to become the default database for various use cases, such as analytics, geographical information systems, and more.
  • Postgres is already being used by many new data applications, and its ability to be extended easily makes it a compelling choice.
  • To accommodate the growing community, the release process needs to be improved, and the ability to contribute to Postgres must be made more accessible.
  • While Postgres is not feature complete, it is capable of doing many tasks, and its popularity will continue to grow.
  • The biggest threats to Postgres’ success are likely related to competition and convincing people that it is the right choice.
  • One of the key factors driving growth is the ease with which new code can be added to Postgres.
  • There are many exciting new features in the works, and the community will continue to shape the direction of the project.
  • Postgres will continue to be the most popular database for professional developers, and its impact will be felt across the industry.
  • The biggest opportunities for growth are in convincing people to adopt Postgres as the default database for various use cases.
  • There are many good ideas already available, and the key is to execute them and make Postgres an attractive choice for everyone.