37C3 - Seeds of Change

Join a conversation about creating radical collective change by addressing denial and adopting a new methodology, exploring distributed leadership, community weaving, and navigating complexity to build a post-capitalist, fair, and just future.

Key takeaways
  • Denial of unsustainability and magnitude of the issues are a normal part of modernity, and we need to learn from the past to create radical collective change.
  • The Deep Adaptation Forum is a methodology that helps people feel empowered, and four denials need to be addressed: denial of unsustainability, denial of leadership, denial of entanglement, and denial of systemic injustice.
  • The denial of lead change is a major issue, and leadership needs to be distributed and not concentrated in a few hands.
  • Denial of entanglement is also a significant issue, as we are all connected and part of a finite earth metabolism.
  • The denial of systemic injustice is a major issue, and we need to create a new kind of world view that acknowledges the interconnectedness of all living beings.
  • Conflict transformation and distributed decision-making are crucial for creating a new kind of society.
  • Critical discernment and distributed decision-making are important aspects of creating a new kind of culture.
  • The importance of community weaving and network weaving cannot be overstated.
  • We need to focus on building trust and belonging within communities and creating a sense of collective agency.
  • We need to learn to navigate complexity and uncertainty together.
  • We need to create a new kind of economy that is post-capitalist and fair.
  • We need to create a new kind of culture that is conscious of the interconnectedness of all living beings.
  • We need to create a new kind of society that is based on mutual aid and solidarity.
  • We need to create a new kind of politics that is based on direct democracy and distributed decision-making.
  • We need to learn from each other and create a new kind of world view that acknowledges the interconnectedness of all living beings.