The Future of Energy - Richard Campbell - NDC Porto 2023

Explore the future of energy with Richard Campbell at NDC Porto 2023, discussing diversification, renewable energy sources, energy storage, and the need for innovative solutions to achieve a low-carbon economy.

Key takeaways

Energy Trends and Solutions

  • The future of energy lies in diversification of power generation sources.
  • Hydroelectric power is a mature, reliable, and affordable option.
  • Solar energy is gaining traction, especially with advances in technology and cost reduction.
  • Portugal’s hydroelectric power grid is particularly well-suited for solar and wind integration.
  • Energy storage is crucial for widespread adoption of renewable energy sources; pump storage is a viable option.
  • Geothermal power is a promising area of research, especially for areas with diverse geology.
  • Hydrogen production is inefficient and expensive, but new technologies are emerging to improve this process.
  • Nuclear power has its advantages, but current designs face challenges in terms of safety and cost.
  • Electricity storage and distribution infrastructure require modernization for efficient grid management.
  • Coal, oil, and gas remain significant power generation sources, but their environmental impact is concerning.
  • The energy landscape is shifting towards a mix of renewable and traditional sources, with a focus on reducing emissions.
  • Energy storage and grid management will require innovative solutions to successfully transition to a low-carbon economy.