Own your content on Social Media using the IndieWeb

Discover how to take control of your social media content with MySpaceBook, JAMstack, and IndieWeb. Learn how to create canonical URLs, use Eleventy to build static websites, and syndicate content without relying on third-party platforms.

Key takeaways
  • MySpaceBook: an alternative approach to owning your content on social media; creates a canonical URL for your content.
  • JAMstack: allows front-end developers to own their content without relying on third-party services.
  • IndieWeb: focuses on creating a self-owned experience for users, rather than relying on centralized platforms.
  • Using Eleventy: a tool for building static websites that allows for own content ownership.
  • Archive of all tweets: possible to create an own archive of tweets.
  • Power of canonical URLs: able to control the URL of your content and prevent data mining.
  • Pesos: a way to publish content on your own site and syndicate elsewhere.
  • URLs are powerful: owners have full control over the output of the site.
  • Owning your content on social media: a way to take back control and not be beholden to others.