Partially Zoneless Performance tuning without big bang refactoring | Michael Hladky | ng-conf 2022

Discover how to optimize your Angular applications for performance by eliminating the need for zone.js and leveraging a custom change detection mechanism, featuring a zoneless rendering solution.

Key takeaways
  • Zoneless rendering is possible with a few tweaks to the code, allowing for faster and more efficient rendering.
  • Traditional zone.js-based change detection can be replaced with a custom mechanism, eliminating the need for zone.js.
  • The applicationRef.tick method can be called to trigger re-rendering of the component tree.
  • Angular applications can be optimized for performance by reducing the number of re-renders and improving rendering efficiency.
  • The concept of “zoneless” rendering involves eliminating the need for zone.js and instead using a custom change detection mechanism.
  • RxAngular, a library, can be used to achieve zoneless rendering and improve performance.
  • Zone.js can be removed from the codebase, allowing for faster and more efficient rendering.
  • The rx-for and rx-if directives can be used to create template-driven applications that are optimized for performance.
  • The push PEP change detection mechanism is introduced, which reduces the number of re-renders and improves rendering efficiency.
  • The introduction of a custom change detection mechanism allows for a zoneless rendering solution.
  • Angular applications can be divided into component tree, dirty marking, and rendering to better understand how rendering works.
  • The applicationRef.tick method can be used to trigger re-rendering of the component tree.
  • A new change detection mechanism is introduced, which eliminates the need for zone.js and reduces the number of re-renders.