Philipp Krenn – Centralized Logging Patterns

Centralized logging patterns, best practices and solutions for complex systems, including ELK stack, Grok, Logstash, Elasticsearch, Beats, filebeat, Java SLF4J, Docker, Gradle, and more.

Key takeaways
  • Log centralized logging is important, especially for complex systems.
  • JSON logging is a good approach, as it provides structure and can be easily parsed.
  • The ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) is a popular solution for centralized logging.
  • Grok is a powerful tool for parsing log lines, allowing for complex patterns and regular expressions.
  • Logstash can be used for parsing and enriching logs, but can be complex and heavy.
  • Elasticsearch can be used for storing and searching logs, with Kibana providing a UI for visualization.
  • Beats (filebeat, metricbeat, etc.) are lightweight agents that can be used for shipping logs to Logstash or Elasticsearch.
  • Filebeat can be used for collecting logs from files, and can handle multiline logs and parsing.
  • Docker provides a way to run applications in isolation, but can also be used for logging, with filebeat and Elasticsearch providing a centralized logging solution.
  • Java logging can be done using the SLF4J API, which provides a logging facade for different logging frameworks.
  • Gradle can be used for building and dependency management in Java projects.
  • The elastic stack provides a scalable and flexible solution for centralized logging, with support for many programming languages and frameworks.
  • Enrichment of logs with metadata such as container labels and host information is important for effective logging.
  • Kibana provides a powerful visualization and discovery tool for logs, with filtering, grouping, and aggregating capabilities.
  • Elasticsearch provides a scalable and efficient way to store and search logs, with support for many data types and features such as faceting and filtering.