Planet-positive: Can VCs Save the Planet? Panel moderated by Amy Lewin / Sifted

Explore the challenges and opportunities of impact investing with a panel of VCs and leaders, discussing the need for a shift in approach to prioritize positive change for people and planet.

Key takeaways
  • VCs are not taking enough risks to invest in impact companies due to the lack of understanding on how to measure impact
  • There are no widely accepted impact measurement frameworks and companies may exaggerate their impact
  • The VC model is not suitable for impact investing as it is focused on financial returns
  • Impact companies need to demonstrate significant positive change for people and planet to be considered credible
  • Investors need to be patient and understanding of the long-term nature of impact companies
  • Many startups are still focused on making quick profits rather than creating meaningful impact
  • VCs need to take a long-term view and invest in companies that are focused on solving real problems
  • Impact investing is not just about climate change but also about solving other UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • New regulations such as SFDR and Article 9 will play a crucial role in measuring and reporting on impact
  • VCs need to be willing to adapt and change their investment approach to focus more on impact investing.