PostGIS for Newbies - Elizabeth Garrett Christensen

Learn the basics of PostGIS, a powerful extension to Postgres that enables spatial data management and analysis, and discover how to get started with this popular geospatial tool.

Key takeaways
  • PostGIS is an extension to Postgres that allows for spatial data management and analysis.
  • The database adds three new data types: point, line, and polygon, which can be used to store and query spatial data.
  • Indexing is crucial for efficient querying and spatial data is typically stored in a GIST (Generalized Search Tree) index.
  • GIST uses the R-tree method, which is efficient for querying large datasets.
  • PostGIS supports various data formats, including shapefiles, GeoJSON, and KML.
  • The extension also includes several spatial functions, such as st_intersect, st_distance, and st_length, which can be used to perform spatial queries and transformations.
  • pgRouting is an additional extension that adds topology and network analysis capabilities to PostGIS.
  • There are various tools and libraries available for working with PostGIS, including desktop applications like QGIS and DBeaver, and command-line tools like OGR.
  • PostGIS is used in a wide range of applications, including mapping, geocoding, routing, and data analysis.
  • The project is overseen by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) and is supported by several companies, including CrunchyData.
  • There are various ways to get started with PostGIS, including local installation, cloud-based services, and Docker containers.
  • The extension has a large user community and is widely used in industries such as government, transportation, and environmental monitoring.
  • PostGIS is often used in combination with other tools and technologies, such as OpenStreetMap, GeoFabrique, and Carto.
  • The extension supports various spatial reference systems and is compatible with a wide range of file formats.
  • PostGIS is used for a variety of applications, including mapping, routing, and data analysis.
  • The project has a large user community and is widely used in industries such as government, transportation, and environmental monitoring.
  • There are various ways to get started with PostGIS, including local installation, cloud-based services, and Docker containers.