Prompt Engineering - Best Practice for Productive Customer | Maximilian Vogel

Learn best practices for productive customer interactions through prompt engineering techniques, including automated optimization, chain of thought, and more, in this engaging conference talk by Maximilian Vogel.

Key takeaways
  • Automated prompt engineering: Use deterministic processes to optimize prompts, such as filtering, sorting, and rewriting content.
  • Chain of thought: Create a structured prompt that guides the model through a step-by-step process, making it easier to understand and respond to complex questions.
  • Contextualization: Incorporate context data from retrieval processes to help the model understand the conversation history and respond accordingly.
  • Edge case handling: Define how the model should handle off-topic questions, harmful user inputs, and other edge cases to prevent incorrect responses.
  • Format specification: Clearly specify the output format, length, and level of detail to ensure the model generates accurate and relevant responses.
  • Hypernymy: Use hierarchical taxonomies to define relationships between concepts and entities, making it easier for the model to understand and respond to questions.
  • Interactivity: Design prompts that encourage interactive dialogue, such as asking follow-up questions or providing additional context.
  • JSON output: Use JSON format to specify the output structure and make it easier for the model to generate accurate responses.
  • Linguistic processing: Pre-process user input to remove noise, extract relevant information, and improve the model’s ability to understand and respond to questions.
  • Multimodal input: Allow users to input text, images, or other multimedia to enable more natural and interactive dialogue.
  • Off-topic handling: Define how the model should respond to off-topic questions, such as ignoring them or providing a correction.
  • Output evaluation: Use evaluation prompts to assess the model’s performance and accuracy, and adjust the prompts accordingly.
  • Prompt engineering: Use a combination of technical and linguistic expertise to design and optimize prompts for specific use cases and applications.
  • Query optimization: Optimize prompts for specific queries or tasks, such as using natural language processing techniques to improve response accuracy.
  • Semantic search: Use semantic search techniques to retrieve relevant information from large datasets and improve the model’s ability to understand and respond to questions.
  • Syntax analysis: Analyze the syntax and structure of user input to improve the model’s ability to understand and respond to questions.
  • Tokenization: Use tokenization techniques to break down user input into individual tokens and improve the model’s ability to understand and respond to questions.