Python-based ML and HPC workflows in the Cloud for science and engineering I PyData Chicago 2022

Python-based machine learning and HPC workflows in the cloud for science and engineering, accelerating simulations and improving visualization with Parcel, a flexible workflow tool for complex applications.

Key takeaways
  • Python-based workflows in the cloud enable scientists to accelerate complex simulations and improve visualization of results
  • Parallel Works’ Parcel package simplifies workflow management and parallelization for complex applications
  • Large-scale simulations require concurrent execution of multiple models, optimizing hyperparameters, and managing resources
  • Cloud providers offer virtual clusters with linked nodes, optimizing performance and abstraction for users
  • Parcel can run arbitrary scripts, executables, and Docker containers, making it a flexible workflow tool
  • The platform provides intuitive graphical user interfaces for configuring resources, orchestrating apps, and tracking workflow progress
  • Model-agnostic workflow framework enables flexible integration of various models and apps, streamlining engineering design optimization and scientific simulations
  • Multi-perspective visualization can be achieved by chaining multiple apps together, allowing for real-time insights
  • Python’s flexibility and popularity make it an ideal language for developing and managing workflows
  • Cloud-based workflows enable researchers to access massive computing resources, accelerate discovery, and publish results faster