Quarkus Unveiled: Efficiency & Green Impact • Holly Cummins & Charles Humble

Discover the green impact of Quarkus, a modern Java framework for efficient application development, and learn how to balance innovation with sustainability in the Java ecosystem.

Key takeaways
  • Quarkus is a modern framework for building efficient and green Java applications.
  • Java is a mature and reliable language with a large ecosystem and plenty of resources.
  • The biggest green impact is in the runtime itself, not just the code being written.
  • Microservices are a popular architecture, but they’re often applied without thinking about their impact on the environment.
  • Shoehorning architectures into cultures where they don’t belong can lead to inefficiencies.
  • Measuring carbon is hard, and it’s important to do it to understand the true impact of software development.
  • The carbon footprint of Java is relatively low compared to other languages.
  • Native compilation can reduce the carbon footprint of applications, but it’s not always the best choice.
  • Measuring carbon is a complex problem that requires careful consideration of many factors.
  • Forward progression in the Java ecosystem means that new features and improvements are constantly being added, but it’s important to balance this with the need for stability and backwards compatibility.
  • Sustainable software development is a complex and multifaceted problem that requires careful consideration of many factors, including code quality, testing, and deployment strategies.