QWIK: A No-Hydration Instant-On Personalized Web Applications - Misko Hevery

Discover QWIK, a revolutionary no-hydration instant-on personalized web application framework with resumability, reactivity, and instant interactivity.

Key takeaways
  • QWIK: a no-hydration instant-on personalized web application framework with resumability capabilities.
  • Fast bootstrap time: the system downloads required code as it becomes accessible, without requiring entire application or page download.
  • No-JS initial state: the client starts with no JavaScript required, reducing loading time.
  • Reactivity: QWIK reacts to changes in state, executing only necessary updates and avoiding repetitive work.
  • Instant interactivity: the system’s interactive layers can start before the full initial page load, creating a near-instant interactive experience.
  • No dupes: frameworks eliminate rendering duplicate information by only rerendering necessary DOM elements when changes occur.
  • Re reconciliation: QWIK reverts to the last good state in cases of unexpected failures or malfunctions to minimize loss.
  • Single-codebase: frameworks offer a single solution for client- and server-side processing, eliminating duplication of effort.