DjangoCon Europe 2024 | API Maybe: Bootstrapping a Web Application circa 2024

Discover how to build a modern web application with Django, combining best practices and cutting-edge tools like Alpine.js, HTMX, and Tailwind CSS to create maintainable and efficient code.

Key takeaways
  • Locality of behavior is a concept that considers how code changes will impact other parts of the codebase.
  • Writing custom tags is a great way to encapsulate logic and keep it reusable.
  • Neapolitan is a package that provides a standard CRUD view for Django, making it easier to manage data.
  • Alpine.js is a lightweight JavaScript framework that can be used to enhance HTML with declarative code.
  • HTMX is a micro-FRAMEWORK that can be used to dispatch requests to the server and generate HTML responses.
  • Using HTML X can help with performance and latency by reducing the need to convert JSON to HTML.
  • Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that can be used to style HTML elements.
  • Django template partials can be used to define reusable template fragments inline with the template.
  • Forms in Django are about data sanitation and rendering, but also about usability and reactivity.
  • JavaScript can be used to add dynamic behavior to HTML elements.
  • Locality of behavior is not a destination, but a starting point for building maintainable code.
  • Django has a grain of perfectionism, but leaning into Django can help build apps quickly and efficiently.
  • APIs with Django can be used to power main applications, and HTMX can be used to dispatch requests.