RailsConf 2023 - Rails on Ruby: How Ruby Makes Rails Great by Noel Rappin

Discover how Ruby's metaprogramming features enhance Rails, allowing for dynamic method creation, instance variable manipulation, and more, making the framework easier to use and more powerful.

Key takeaways
  • Rails uses metaprogramming to take complexity out of the framework and make it easier for developers to use.
  • Instance variables defined in a controller method are passed to the view and can be accessed as instance variables.
  • Rails uses report_missing to parse method names and create finder methods for SQL code.
  • The method_missing method is used to dynamically define methods at runtime.
  • Rails uses defined? to determine if a method is defined or not.
  • The change method is used to define the up and down methods for database migrations.
  • Rails uses metaprogramming to generalize its own actions and make them reusable throughout the framework.
  • The instance_variable_get and instance_variable_set methods are used to retrieve and set instance variables.
  • Rails uses alias_method to create aliases for methods.
  • The method_missing method is used to handle method lookups when a method is not defined.
  • Rails uses define_method to dynamically define methods at runtime.
  • The class_eval method is used to evaluate a string as a class method.
  • Rails uses metaprogramming to take complexity out of the framework and make it easier for developers to use.