RailsConf 2023 - Rails Performance Monitoring 101: A Primer for Junior Developers by Rishi Jain

RailsConf 2023 talk by Rishi Jain: Performance monitoring 101 for junior developers, covering APM tools, common issues, and more.

Key takeaways
  • Performance Monitoring: RailsConf 2023 speaker Rishi Jain introduces the topic of performance monitoring in Rails, emphasizing its importance in junior developer life.
  • APM Tools: Jain mentions the yes does not track everything, APMs and other tools, including New Relic, Datadog, and Scout APM.
  • Performance Issues: He highlights common issues such as slow server response time, render blocking JS and CSS, and load times.
  • Benchmarking and Optimization: Walking viewers through the process of benchmarking and optimizing code, such as with tools like Benchmark and Rails Profiler.
  • Lazy Loading: Jain suggests loading resources lazy and deferring image loads.
  • Prioritization: He reinforces the importance of prioritizing rendering and minimizing delays.
  • Error Reporting: He advises politely asking for error reports and adding debugging features like Rack Mini Profiler.
  • Caching: Discusses the importance of caching, including HTML and image caching.
  • Resource Optimization: Mentions methods for reducing unused CSS and optimizing image formats.
  • Storytelling: Introduces the concept of storytelling to help with debugging performance issues by imagining the user’s perspective.
  • APM Reports: Talks about using reports like APMs and papertrail to improve performance.
  • Real-World Examples: Shows real-world examples of slow performance in Rails applications.
  • Resource Management: Discusses managing resources, including caching, and improving performance.
  • Debugging: Discusses methods for debugging performance issues, including using tools and asking for help.
  • Tools and Libraries: Mentions using tools and libraries such as Explain and New Relic to improve performance.