Modern Web Debugging – Jecelyn Yeen, JSNation 2023

Improve your web debugging experience with expert Jecelyn Yeen, as she shares game-changing tools for Chrome DevTools, making code inspection easier and more effective.

Key takeaways
  • DevTools 15 years ago only showed a big chunk of the file, making it hard to debug
  • Modern Web Debugging: Jecelyn Yeen shares tools to improve debugging experience
  • Chrome DevTools team wants to improve debugging experience by standardizing source maps
  • Tools discussed:
    • Conditional Breakpoint: set Breakpoint only when certain conditions are met
    • Log Point: like console.log but without the need for console.log
    • JavaScript snippet: copy and paste into DevTools to make debugging easier
    • Source maps: use to map compressed code back to original sources
    • Breakpoint panel: group Breakpoints by files and authors, with options to ignore files
    • Web applications: developers used to code in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
    • Debugging: tools and frameworks have changed, but debugging is still necessary
    • Productivity: Jecelyn suggests using command click to set Breakpoints, JavaScript snippets, and Configure option to ignore files