Ready for the Era of AI? | Irina Gontcharova, Applied AI Stage


Discover the era of AI, where imagination, creativity, and critical thinking are essential for solving complex problems alongside AI-enabled tools and technologies that require human oversight and control.

Key takeaways
  • AI is not just one model, but a multitude of models and tools that require imagination, creativity, and critical thinking.
  • The human brain is still essential for solving complex problems and is not replacesable by technology.
  • Data literacy is crucial for understanding AI and its applications.
  • AI-enabled applications can democratize access to technology and increase productivity, but require a higher level of education and skills.
  • AI is not a replacement for human skills, but rather a tool to augment them.
  • Creativity and imagination are still essential human traits, and AI should not be seen as a replacement for human creativity.
  • AI is not immune to bias, and requires human oversight and control.
  • Partnership between humans and AI is essential for achieving meaningful outcomes.
  • AI is not a single technology, but a collection of tools and technologies that require a deep understanding of underlying mechanics.
  • AI can be used to augment and support human work, but also requires significant investment in infrastructure, data, and education.
  • Humans must be involved in the development and deployment of AI to ensure responsible and beneficial outcomes.
  • AI is not a panacea, but a tool that requires careful consideration and planning for its effective implementation.