Regulation: Regaining Customer Confidence Amidst Scandals | Konstantinos Adamos | #LDNBlockchain23

Investors seek regulatory clarity in the cryptoassets industry to restore confidence after scandals. How can regulation provide a framework for businesses and protect consumer assets?

Key takeaways
  • Investors require a regulatory framework that provides clarity and confidence in the cryptoassets industry.
  • Regulation is essential to restore confidence, especially among consumers who have been affected by recent scandals.
  • The UK’s approach to regulation is more effective than the US’, where unclear regulations have led to a lack of investment.
  • The FCA has announced a plan to regulate cryptoassets, which will provide a framework for businesses operating in the space.
  • The travel rule is important to prevent the misuse of customer funds.
  • A positive sum game is when both parties benefit from an investment, but this is not always possible in the cryptoassets space.
  • Regulatory uncertainty has led to a lack of investment in the UK, as businesses are unsure of how to navigate the regulatory landscape.
  • A strong regulatory environment is crucial to build confidence among consumers and protect their assets.
  • The speaker believes that the UK’s approach to regulation is more effective than that of the US, as it is more transparent and provides clearer guidance for businesses.
  • The FCA is working to regulate cryptoassets, which will provide a framework for businesses operating in the space.
  • The travel rule is important to prevent the misuse of customer funds, and the speaker believes that it is essential to regulate cryptoassets.