Q&A with Color Of Change president Rashad Robinson

Join Rashad Robinson, president of Color Of Change, for a conversation on addressing structural racism, holding companies accountable, and building power in marginalized communities to drive social change.

Key takeaways
  • The current state of society is not much different from the past, with structural racism continuing to underpin many issues.
  • Color of Change was founded to address the lack of infrastructure and civic engagement in black communities.
  • The organization has had success in holding companies accountable, including forcing Facebook to conduct a civil rights audit.
  • The rise of white nationalist organizations is a concern, and there needs to be more accountability and regulation of social media platforms.
  • Rashad Robinson is writing a book on his frameworks for social change, to be published by Penguin Random House.
  • There is a need for non-profit organizations to stop mistaking presence for power and to focus on building power.
  • The media has a role to play in amplifying marginalized voices, but there is also a need for non-profit organizations to work with the media to push for more just and equitable narratives.
  • The profit incentives behind social media platforms need to be changed, and there needs to be more accountability and regulation of these platforms.
  • The solution to many problems is not just about education or mentorship programs, but about making systemic changes to address structural racism and inequality.
  • The power centers that shape our society, such as government, corporations, and media, need to be held accountable for advancing racial justice and equity.
  • There is a need for a cultural shift in the way we approach problems, moving from a focus on “unfortunate” solutions to “unjust” ones.